Samala DeLeon

Tampa Bay Metropolitan Area, FL, USA
Certified UM Trainer/Teacher

Mindful awareness skills became my refuge during a time of profound desperation. I yearned for restful sleep and sought relief from trauma, as well as physical and emotional pain.


Feeling like I had nothing to lose, I delved into the UM practice without any prior meditation experience. As I learned to ride the waves of my emotions and the challenges of my body, mindfulness became my anchor. Cultivating the core skills of concentration, sensory clarity, and equanimity, I discovered i could contact serenity and self-understanding.


Inspired by my own reduction of suffering and increasing happiness and insight, I completed coaching and teacher training, eager to share these invaluable tools with others. If you’re open to it, I would be honored to accompany you on your personal journey of wholeness.


Reach out at [email protected]


Hugs, Samala (Sam)
