Terezie Kosíková

Prague, Czechia (Central Europe)
Unified Mindfulness L2 Coach

I discovered meditation in 2018 as a productivity tool. I wanted to maintain focus on my study and work. I studied Law school, and I was trying to work on multiple projects at the same time. As I started to meditate, I saw how my concentration got sharpened. But there was much more. I discovered how I could ease my life and gain new freedom. I could finally decide how I want to live my life. Through meditation practice I started to change the old patterns in my relationships and behavior. I could also accept my anxiety. The emotions and the mental talk were still there, but it didn’t influence my actions. I also learned about impermanence.

Another breaking point for me was the intensive ten days silent Vipassana retreat taught by S. N. Goenka. That experience changed my life. I could see my life and myself as I couldn’t before. Until then, I never took the time to pause and investigate in stillness so intensively. I decided I want to deepen my practice and bring meditation into the life of others.

I am teaching mainly techniques of The Unified Mindfulness system. I am also interested in mindfulness in relationships (in Nonviolent communication and Authentic relating games too).

I’d love to hear from you. Feel free to contact me.
