Jess Lewis

Deep in the Heart, USA
Unified Mindfulness L2 Coach
Doctor of Dental Surgery

Jess is a meditator with a dental practice. Some might even call her a Zentist. She wholeheartedly believes a daily mindfulness practice is more important than flossing!


Jess began her contemplative journey at an early age. She attempted meditation as a teenager and then again throughout her twenties, as chronic stress and suffering eclipsed her life. She had no idea what she was doing, but the dabbling in “it” was doing something for her.


Jess’s tipping point arrived immediately following graduate school when she lost almost everything. Ultimately, the help that helped was mindfulness. It showed her how to let go of the “shoulds” and the perfectionistic pressure of her competitive ivy league doctoral program. She broke open and stayed that way. The process of renewal from the depths of trauma emerged – eventually – from determined practice of presence and mindfulness teachings of Eckhart Tolle, Insight Meditation, and of course, Shinzen Young.

Shinzen’s Unified Mindfulness (UM) was her game changer. Shinzen delivered what Jess had been craving for decades: the precise language and scientific rigor to intellectually understand mindfulness — and to travel all the way down the rabbit hole.


And because UM also contains a spectacularly specific and broadly-based training in positivity and self-compassion, Jess found a happy marriage of her “mystical schmystical” side and her neuroscience-y doctor side. She regularly nourishes her practice with frequent deep-diving home retreats and occasional residential retreats. Jess gratefully receives substantial support from the UM L2 community as well as her primary mentor, Michael Taft.


As she continues her own journey, it is a natural extension of her heart to share this life-changing system of mindfulness with others, including her patients and colleagues who benefit both directly and indirectly from her practice.


When she is not extracting teeth or whispering to phobic patients, she enthusiastically and light-heartedly enjoys sharing mindfulness in small groups and individuals with curiou


“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.” ~ C. G. Jung


Jess invites you to contact her via email at [email protected]