Ish Hasan

Vancouver Island, BC, Canada
Unified Mindfulness L2 Coach
ACC, RYT-500, Shaman, Hypnotherapist, Reiki Master

I live on a 25 acre farm in Vancouver Island, BC with friends, few dogs, countless chickens and frogs. I love to travel, rock climb, sky dive (and other wind reliant sports), practice Muay Thai, recall dreams first thing in the morning, connect dispersing thoughts through smart note-taking, have deep conversations with strangers, and make art. My work and my purpose is to work to disenchanted men and help them feel alive again. Life is sweet, and I am blessed. But, until recently, my life was a mess. I lived most of life in fear. Due to one of the most bizarre circumstances, I lived, for all of my formative years, illegally. I couldn’t drive. I couldn’t work. I couldn’t go out. I couldn’t even hang out with friends outside of school in fear that they might call the police on my family. My dad would tell us that we would be moving back after every semester, but that never happened. I grew up with uncertainty, turbulence, and fear during the time I needed clarity, stability, and care the most. Despite this, I graduated from high school, graduated from college Magna Cum Laude, got a great job at a Fortune 100 company, and was in a great relationship. From the outside, it was a perfect life. Inside, I was a mess. What others saw as things to be grateful for, I felt burdened by. My work, relationships, accolades…it all seemed to weigh me down rather than boost me up. I wasn’t content, and I felt guilty because it seemed like everyone else thought I should be. So, I started to question. Through my self-inquiry, I realized something.

 I realized that I wasn’t content because the life i was living wasn’t mine. I didn’t choose the school I went to. I didn’t choose a vocation I was interested in. I didn’t choose my friends. I didn’t choose to live in, or leave, a place that didn’t make me feel safe. And I didn’t get to choose to be upset about any of this, since everyone else thought I had it great. I realized I that was following a path prescribed by my parents, my teachers, and my community, and all of them were following the same path. But, no one seemed happy. And if they weren’t happy, how could they dictate that this would make me happy? So, I decided to experiment. For the first in my life, I chose. I chose to find my own path. If that path led to contentment, great! And if it didn’t, at least I’d have an adventure along the way. Over the last decade, that path has led me to some of the most effective methods and tools for integration, transformation, and transmission. I have been blessed to learn from some great teachers, powerful healers, and transformative experiences. Unified Mindfulness has been one of those teachers and experiences. As part of my toolbelt, it’s something I’ve started to use quite frequently, and in my work, I’ve noticed the tremendous impact it can have when people are able to parse out their thoughts, emotions, and feelings. The last decade of my life has been an adventure, for sure. And it’s also been the most contented time of my life.
