Don McCormick, Ph.D.

Director of Education

Dr. McCormick currently serves as director of education at Unified Mindfulness.


In 1975, he received a B.A. in psychology from the University of California Santa Cruz, where he was part of Dr. Elliot Aronson’s research team that examined cooperative approaches to reducing interracial conflict and academic performance problems in newly integrated school, and made Honors in Psychology, College Honors, and Thesis Honors. In 1985, he received a Ph.D. in organizational behavior from the Weatherhead School of Management at Case Western Reserve University.



As a pioneer in the fields of workplace mindfulness, critical management studies, and spirituality in the workplace, Dr. McCormick co-conducted, with Dr. Jeremy Hunter, the first peer-reviewed research on mindfulness in the workplace. He has published more than thirty journal articles and book chapters.



Dr. McCormick began his meditation practice in the early 1970s, studied mindfulness meditation with Stephen Levine in the late 1970s, and began studying mindfulness meditation with Shinzen Young in 1985. He taught in the Ph.D. Program in Organizational Psychology at the California School of Professional Psychology and then joined the liberal studies faculty at Antioch University, where he taught Psychology of Religion. In 1991, he began teaching about mindfulness and continued this pursuit while serving as a professor at the business schools of the University of Redlands and California State University–Northridge.


Dr. McCormick was awarded by the U.S. Office of Personnel Management for his work in the White House Department of Organization Development and the National Institutes of Health. He has been a consultant, researcher, and instructional designer for Mercedes Benz, American Red Cross National Headquarters, Kaiser Permanente, and AIDS Project Los Angeles. As a community organizer, he co-created an activist organization that advocated for psychiatric patients’ rights and was appointed to the Santa Cruz County Mental Health Advisory Board.


Dr. McCormick cares deeply about teaching and has a strong interest in teaching methods that are supported by scientific research. He is particularly excited about using scientifically supported teaching methods in the Unified Mindfulness programs.



January 19, 2010–May 24, 2010. “Spring 2010 Probationary Faculty Support Program,” sponsored by California State University Northridge, California State University, Northridge, 3 Units Release Time.


2009. “IBM and Germany” was identified as one of the top ten articles in the Organization Management Journal in the previous 5 years.


July 1, 2008–June 26, 2009. “Judge Julian Beck Learning-Centered Instructional Projects,” Sponsored by California State University Northridge, California State University, Northridge.


2006. University of Redlands Centennial Award for University Educator; Nominee.


2004. University of Redlands School of Business Excellence in Teaching Award.; Nominee.


2003. University of Redlands Teaching Award; Nominee.


2002. University of Redlands Teaching Award; Nominee.


2001. University of Redlands Teaching Award; Nominee.


2004. University of Redlands School of Business Research Grant.


2003. University of Redlands School of Business Research Grant.


2002. University of Redlands School of Business Research Grant.


2001. University of Redlands School of Business Research Grant.



Peer Reviewed Journal Articles

  1. McCormick, D. W. 2010. Ethics & the 15 minute evidence-based manager: A review of a response to a critique published as “Evidence-Based Management: Concept Cleanup Time?” by Rob B Briner, David Denyer, and Denise M Rousseau (Academy of Management Perspectives, Nov 2009). Organization Management Journal, 7, 303–306.
  2. McCormick, D. W. & Spee, J. (2008). IBM and Germany: 1922–1941. Organization and Management Journal: A Refereed Online Publication Sponsored by the Eastern Academy of Management. 5(208–213) Identified as one of the top ten articles in OMJ in the last 5 years.
  3. McCormick, D. W. & Spee, J. (2008). Teaching Note: IBM and Germany: 1922–1941. Organization and Management Journal: A Refereed Online Publication Sponsored by the Eastern Academy of Management. 5(214–223).
  4. McCormick, D. W. (2007). Dramaturgical Analysis of Organizational Change and Conflict. Journal of Organizational Change Management. 20 (5) 685–699.
  5. Kernochan, R., McCormick, D. W. & White, J. (2007). Spirituality and the Management Teacher: Reflections of Three Buddhists on Compassion, Mindfulness and Selflessness in the Classroom. Journal of Management Inquiry. 16(1), 51–75.
  6. McCormick, D. W. (2006). Indoctrination, Diversity, and Teaching About Spirituality and Religion in the Workplace. Organization and Management Journal: A Refereed Online Publication Sponsored by the Eastern Academy of Management. 3(2) 77–91.
  7. McCormick, D. W. & White, J. (2000). Using One’s Self as an Instrument in Organizational Diagnosis. The Organization Development Journal, 18(3), 49–61.
  8. McCormick, D. W. (1995). Introduction to “What Understanding and Acceptance Mean to Me” by Carl R. Rogers. Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 35(4), 7.
  9. McCormick, D. W. (1994). Spirituality and Management. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 9(6), 5–8.

Reprinted (1995) in slightly abridged form in Spirit at Work, 2(1), 1–3.

  1. McCormick, D. W. (1994). Ethical Problems in Teaching: “Paramedic” Training. College Teaching, 42(4), 159–160.

Reprinted (1995). in LATICE: Learning And Teaching In College Environments, 5(2), 1, 2, 5.

Reprinted (1995). in abridged form in MED: The Newsletter of the Management Education Division of the Academy of Management, 21(3), 6.

  1. McCormick, D. W. (1994). Critical Thinking and Credit for Prior Experiential Learning. Journal of Management Education, 18(3) 342–350.

  2. McCormick, D. W. (1993). Critical Thinking, Experiential Learning, and Internships. Journal of Management Education, 17, 260–262.
  3. McCormick, D. W. (1993). College-Level Learning and Prior Experiential Learning Assessment. Adult Learning, 4(3).

Reprinted (1993). in Council for Adult and Experiential Learning (CAEL) News.

  1. McCormick, D. W. & Smith, K. E. (1992). Integrating Theory and Experience in the Short Essay Assignment. Journal of Management Education.

  2. Smith, K. E. & McCormick, D. W. (1992). Translating Experience Into Learning: Facilitating the Process for Adult Students. Adult Learning, 3(5).

Reprinted (1993). in Council for Adult and Experiential Learning (CAEL) News,(16)1.


  1. McCormick, D. W. (1991). Issues in Assessing Theory and Practice in Prior Learning: Truth in Transcripts. Adult Assessment Forum, 1(3).
  2. McCormick, D. W. & Fleming, J. (1990). Teaching Ethics Means Practicing Ethics: When a Student Says His Company is Breaking the Law. Organizational Behavior Teaching Review, 14(3).
  3. McCormick, D. W. (1990). The Painful Emotions of Prior Experiential Learning Assessment. Adult Learning, 2(2).
  4. McCormick, D. W. & Kahn, M. (1983). Barn Raising: Collaborative Group Process in Seminars. Exchange: The Organizational Behavior Teaching Journal, 7(4).


Reprinted (1994) in Louis B. Barnes, Abby J. Hansen, Carl Roland Christensen (Eds.), Teaching and the Case Method: Text, Cases, and Readings (pp. 194–198) Harvard Business School Press.

Reprinted as a Harvard Business School Case. Case #8-386-025

Excerpted (1991) in The Teaching Professor, 5(4).

Book Chapters

  1. McCormick, D. W. (2013). On Future Scholarship in Management, Spirituality, and Religion: Diversity and the Creative Nexus. Pages 717–722 in J. Neal’s (Ed.) Handbook of Faith and Spirituality in the Workplace. New York: Springer.
  2. McCormick, D. W. (in press). Role Plays of Conflicts Commonly Faced by Undergraduate Students: The Free Rider and the Messy Roommate. In J. Biberman, Dhiman, & J. Marques (Eds.) Managing in the 21st Century: Transforming Toward Mutual Growth. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
  3. Tompkins, T. C., Azari, R., McCormick, D. W. & Anonymous. (2001). Teaching Note: La Cabaret. Instructor’s Manual, Volume I: Cases in Management and Organizational Behavior. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
  4. McCormick, D. W. (2000). Whole Person Reaction Paper. In K. Taylor, C. Marienau & M. Fiddler (Eds.) Developing Adult Learners: Strategies for Teachers and Trainers. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
  5. McCormick, D. W. (2000). Field Study Reflection: Two Methods for Encouraging Critical Thinking in Field Study. In K. Taylor, C. Marienau & M. Fiddler (Eds.) Developing Adult Learners: Strategies for Teachers and Trainers. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
  6. McCormick, D. W. (1999). Listening With Empathy: Taking the Other Person’s Perspective. In A. Cooke, A. Craig, B. Greig, & M. Brazzel (Eds.). (pp. 57–60). Reading Book for Human Relations Training. Arlington, VA: NTL Institute.
  7. McCormick, D. W. (1999). On Earning Credit for College-Level Learning Based on Prior Life Experience. In H. Mindess (Ed.) Not Just a Matter of Degree, (p. 185).


  1. Hemphill, P. D., McCormick, D. W., & Hemphill R. (2000). Business Communication, 6th. ed. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
  2. McCormick, D. W. (2000). Business Communication with Writing Improvement Exercises
  3. Hemphill, P. D. & McCormick D. W. (1995). Business Communication, 5th. ed. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.

Peer Reviewed Conference Proceedings

  1. McCormick, D. W. (2008). Evidence-Based Methods for Teaching Management: Cognitive Science and the How People Learn Model. Proceedings of the Organizational Behavior Teaching Conference, Wellesley, MA.
  2. McCormick, D. W. (2006). A Theory of Work Meditation: Mindfulness on the Job. Conference Proceedings. Western Academy of Management, Long Beach, CA.
  3. McCormick, D. W. (2006). A Theory of Spiritually Meaningful Work. Conference Proceedings. Western Academy of Management, Long Beach, CA.
  4. McCormick, D. W. (2002). Dramaturgy, Conflict, Race and Gender in the Theatre of Organizational Change. Business Research Yearbook. International Association of Business Disciplines. Conference Proceedings.
  5. McCormick, D. W. (2001). The Ethics of Teaching Spirituality in the Workplace. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the American Society for Business and the Behavioral Sciences.
  6. McCormick, D. W. (1992). Personal Mastery: Integrating Spirituality with Work. Proceedings of American Association for Adult and Continuing Education (AAACE) Post Conference for Leaders in Continuing and Professional Education. Anaheim, CA.
  7. Smith, K. E., McCormick, D. W., & Sager, J. (1992). Selecting a Degree Completion Program. Proceedings of American Association for Adult and Continuing Education (AAACE) Post Conference for Leaders in Continuing and Professional Education. Anaheim, CA.
  8. Erdynast, A., Romanoski, R. & McCormick, D. W. (1990). The Study of Adult Developmental Psychology as an Experiential Stimulus to Adult Development. Proceedings of the George Mason University’s Eighth Annual Conference on Non-Traditional/ Interdisciplinary Programs, Virginia Beach, VA.
  9. McCormick, D. W. (1987). Using One’s Self as an Instrument in Organization Diagnosis. Proceedings of the Organization Development Network Annual Meeting, Seattle.

Other Publications

  1. McCormick, D. W. (2004). The “Elephant in the Meditation Hall”: Religious Corruption’s Lessons for Democratic Management, and Spiritual and Ethical Development. Academy of Management: Management, Spirituality and Religion Newsletter, 9–10.
  2. McCormick, D. W. (2003, Winter). Measures of Mindfulness. Academy of Management: Management, Spirituality and Religion Newsletter, 9–10.
  3. McCormick, D. W. (1992). Assessing Learning and Practice in Prior Learning: The Issues. Council for the Advancement of Adult and Experiential Learning (CAEL) News, 15 (1).
  4. McCormick, D. W. (1991). Integrating Critical Thinking with Field Study. Experiential Education, 16(2).
  5. McCormick, D. W. (1988). Bibliography of Literature on Neurolinguistic Programming. Resources in Education. ERIC Document Reproduction Service. Center for Applied Linguistics.
  6. McCormick, D. W. (1984). Neurolinguistic Programming: A Resource Guide and Review of the Research. In L. Goodstein and E. Pfeiffer (Eds.), The 1984 Annual: Developing Human Resources. University Associates, San Diego.


  1. McCormick, D. W. (2010). Mindfulness Meditation in the Workplace. Paper presented at the meeting of the Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Montreal, Canada.
  2. McCormick, D. W. (2010). Teaching Mindfulness Meditation in a Business School. Organizational Behavior Teaching Conference. June 16–19, 2010. University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM.
  3. McCormick, D. W. (2009). Evidence-Based Methods for Teaching Management. Presentation at the Western Academy of Management, Midvail, UT.
  4. Hunter, J. & McCormick, D. W. (2008). Mindfulness in the Workplace: An Exploratory Study. Paper presented at the meeting of the Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Anaheim, CA.
  5. McCormick, D. W. (2006). Work Meditation: Mindfulness at Work. Paper presented at the meeting of the Western Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Long Beach, CA.
  6. McCormick, D. W. (2006). Spiritually Meaningful Work. Paper presented at the meeting of the Western Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Long Beach, CA.
  7. Ragins, B., Church, R., Cavazotte, F., Weithoff, C., McCormick, D. W., Nahavandi, S., Klingenberg, B., Gavin, J., & Kirby, S. L. (2005). Exploring the Forces Operating When Hidden Identities Intersect in the US and Global Workplace. Professional Development Workshop. Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Honolulu, HI.
  8. White, J., McCormick, D. W., & Kernochan, R. (2005). Mindfulness, Selflessness, and Compassion: Application of Buddhist Principles to Management Education. Paper presented at the meeting of the Western Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Las Vegas, NV.
  9. White, J., Kernochan, R., & McCormick, D. W. (2005). Mindfulness and Selflessness: Applying Buddhist Principles to the Classroom. Presentation at the Organizational Behavior Teaching Conference, Scanton, PA.
  10. Ballard, C., Edghill, H., Henderson, T., McCormick, D. W., & Smitley, K. (2005). Collaborating With Students to Develop a Simple Multimedia, Interactive, Programmed Learning Module for a Course in Emotional Intelligence. Paper presented at the meeting of the Western Organization and Management Teaching Conference, LaVerne, CA.
  11. McCormick, D. W. (2004). Managing Religious Diversity in the Workplace: A Research Incubator. Pre-Conference Workshop. Academy of Management Annual Meeting. New Orleans, LA.
  12. McCormick, D. W. (2004). The Purpose of Management Education. Presented at the Organizational Behavior Teaching Conference. University of Redlands, CA.
  13. McCormick, D. W., Smith, J. & Landau, B. (2004). The Role of Citizenship in Management Education. Presented at the Organizational Behavior Teaching Conference. University of Redlands, CA.
  14. McCormick, D. W., Walker, C. & Ziobrowski, C. (2004). Graphic Organizers: An Empirically Supported Visual Learning Tool. Presented at the Organizational Behavior Teaching Conference. University of Redlands, CA.
  15. McCormick, D. W., White, J. & Kernochan, R. A. (2004). Mindfulness, Compassion, Buddhism and Teaching Management. Presented at the Western Organization and Management Teaching Conference. Pepperdine University, Malibu, CA.
  16. McCormick, D. W. The “Elephant in the Meditation Hall”: Religious Corruption’s Lessons for Democratic Management, and Spiritual and Ethical Development. Academy of Management Annual Meeting. All Academy Session. Seattle, WA. August 2003.
  17. McCormick, D. W. Disdain. (2003, August). Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Presented at AcademyArts (refereed art competition). Seattle, WA.
  18. McCormick, D. W., Spee, James & Zinn, Dwight. (2003, April). Deutsche Hollerith Maschinen Gesellschaft (Dehomag), 1933. Presented at the meeting of the Western Casewriters Association, Palm Springs, CA.
  19. Also presented (2003, November) at the North American Case Research Association Annual Meeting, Tampa, FL.
  20. McCormick, D. W., Tompkins, T. & Spee, J. (2002, August). Reflections on Implementing an Innovative Management Curriculum, Or Tacking Between Scylla and Charybdis. Presented at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Denver, CO.
  21. McCormick, D. W. (2002, April). Dramaturgy, Conflict, Race and Gender in the Theatre of Organizational Change. Presented at the International Association of Business Disciplines. Los Angeles.
  22. Spee, J., D. McCormick, Houser, K., Schieberl, J., Roberts, K. & Last, B. (2002, February). Using 360 Degree Feedback to Assess Management Students’ Emotional Competence in the Workplace. Presented at the Western Organization and Management Teaching Conference. Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles, CA.
  • McCormick, D. W. (2001). The Ethics of Teaching Spirituality in the Workplace. Presented at the meeting for the American Society for Business and the Behavioral Sciences, Las Vegas, NV.
  1. McCormick, D. W. (1999). Integrating Our Spiritual Values with our Work as Teachers. Presented at the Western Organization and Management Teaching Conference. Chapman University, Orange, CA.
  2. McCormick, D. W. & White, J. (1996, April). Using One’s Self as an Instrument in Organizational Diagnosis. Presented at the meeting of the Western Academy of Management, Banff, Canada. One of four nominees for the conference’s best paper award.
  3. McCormick, D. W. (1994, November). Integrating One’s Spirituality With the Facilitation of Adult Learning. Presented at the International Experiential Learning Conference (combined conference of CAEL (Council for Adult and Experiential Learning), NSEE (National Society for Experiential Education) and ICEL (International Consortium for Experiential Learning), Washington D.C.
  4. McCormick, D. W. (1993, February). Integrating Spirituality With the Teaching of Management. Presented at the Western Organizational Behavior Teaching Conference. Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles, CA.
  5. McCormick, D. W. (1993, February). Integrating Spirituality With Work. Presented at the National Conference on Ethics in America, Long Beach, CA.
  6. McCormick, D. W. (1992, November). Personal Mastery and the Integration of Spirituality With Work. Presented at the American Association for Adult and Continuing Education (AAACE) Post Conference for Leaders in Continuing and Professional Education, Anaheim, CA.
  7. Smith, K. & McCormick, D. W. (1992, November). Developing Personal Mastery Skills: B.A. Degree Completion as Continuing Professional Education. Presented at the American Association for Adult and Continuing Education (AAACE) Post Conference for Leaders in Continuing and Professional Education, Anaheim, CA.
  8. McCormick, D. W. & Smith, K. (1992, November). Enhancing Adults’ Competence: The Theory-Experience Linkage. Presented at the American Association for Adult and Continuing Education (AAACE) annual conference, Anaheim, CA.
  9. Smith, K., McCormick, D. W. & Sager, Jon. (1992, November). Selecting a Degree Completion Program. Presented at the American Association for Adult and Continuing Education (AAACE) Post Conference for Leaders in Continuing and Professional Education, Anaheim, CA.
  10. McCormick, D. W. & Carlson, M. (1991, November). The Controversy Over Theory in Prior Experiential Learning Assessment: A Participatory Debate. Presented at the Council for Adult and Experiential Learning International Assembly, San Diego.
  11. Smith, K. & McCormick, D. W. (1991, October). Investing Wisely in the Future: Choosing a B.A. Degree Completion Program. Presented at the American Association for Adult and Continuing Education, Montreal.
  12. McCormick, D. W. (1991, March). Issues Facing Religious Managers. Presented at the Western Academy of Management, Santa Barbara, CA.
  13. McCormick, D. W. (1990, November). Assessing Prior Experiential Learning to Promote Critical Thinking in Management Education. Presented at the Council for Adult and Experiential Learning International Assembly, Chicago.
  14. Smith & McCormick, D. W. (1990, October–November). Awarding Academic Credit for Adults’ Learning from Past Experiences. Presented at the American Association for Adult and Continuing Education conference, Salt Lake City, UT.
  15. McCormick, D. W. (1990, May). Assessing Prior Learning to Promote Critical Thinking: The Case of Business. Presented at the George Mason University’s Eighth Annual Conference on Non-Traditional/Interdisciplinary Programs, Virginia Beach, VA.
  16. Erdynast, A., Romanoski, R., & McCormick, D. W. (1990, May). The Study of Adult Developmental Psychology as an Experiential Stimulus to Adult Development. Presented at the George Mason University’s Eighth Annual Conference on Non-Traditional/Interdisciplinary Programs, Virginia Beach, VA.
  17. McCormick, D. W. (1990, April). Quality Circles: Factors in their Success and Failure. Presented at the Western Psychological Association 70th Annual Meeting, Los Angeles.
  18. McCormick, D. W. & Smith, K. (1990, April). What Makes a Good B.A. Degree Completion Program? Presented at the Higher Education for Working Adults National Conference. California State University Dominguez Hills.
  19. McCormick, D. W. & Fleming, J. (1998, August). Teaching Ethics Means Practicing Ethics: When a Student Says His Company is Breaking the Law. Presented at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Anaheim, CA.
  20. McCormick, D. W. (1988, June). How Would Undergraduate Management Curricula Look if We Took Liberal Education Seriously? Presented at the 15th Annual Organizational Behavior Teaching Conference, Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles.
  21. McCormick, D. W. (1987, April). Organizational Psychology and the Peace Movement. Presented at the Western Psychological Association Annual Meeting. Symposium on “Emerging Roles in Peace Psychology: Research and Action,” Los Angeles, CA.

Resources in Education. ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 282 109.

  1. McCormick, D. W. (1987, October). Using One’s Self as an Instrument in Organization Diagnosis. Presented at the Organization Development Network Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA.
  2. Schmedlen, G., McCormick, D. W. & Woldt, A. (1987, April). Neurolinguistic Programming, Matching Sensory Predicates, and Rapport. Presented at the Western Psychological Association Annual Meeting.

Resources in Education. ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 281 138.

  1. McCormick, D. W. & Spoth, Juliann. (1983, April). Evaluating Hospital Quality Circles. Presented at The Institute for Management Science and Operations Research Society of America (TIMS/ORSA) National Meeting, Chicago, IL.
  2. McCormick, D. W. (1982, June). The Seminar: Building on Each Other’s Ideas in Discussion. Presented at the 9th Annual Organizational Behavior Teaching Conference, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH.


Academy of Management. Local Arrangements Committee, Member. For Academy of Management Annual Meeting, 2008. Anaheim, CA.

Editorial Board, Research in Management Education and Development. 2007–present.

Academy of Management. Chair, Program Session. The Science of Workplace Spirituality: Science and Spirituality. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, 2005. Honolulu, HI.

Advisory Board, Western Organization Management Teaching Conference (WOMTC), 2002–present.

Academy of Management. Representative at Large. Management, Spirituality and Religion (MSR) Special Interest Group, 2002-3, 2003-4, 2004-5. Analyzed data and wrote part of the MSR 2003 Self Study for the Academy.

Editorial Board, Journal of Management, Spirituality and Religion (JMSR), 2004–present.

McGraw-Hill/Irwin, Publishers, Ad hoc reviewer, Organizational Change. 2005.

Journal of Management Education, Reviewer. 2000 to present.

Academy of Management, Management, Spirituality and Religion (MSR) Interest Group, Reviewer. 2002 to present.

Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Facilitator. All Academy Session. Management, Spirituality and Religion (MSR) Special Interest Group, 2003.

Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Discussant. Organization Development and Change Division, 2003.

Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Session Chair. Management, Spirituality and Religion (MSR) Special Interest Group, 2003.

Western Academy of Management 2003 Conference, Palm Springs, CA, Local Arrangements Committee. 2003.

Academy of Management, Academy Arts, Reviewer. 2003.

Academy of Management, Organizational Development and Change Division, Reviewer. 2003.

Group Facilitation: A Research and Applications Journal. Reviewer. 2000.

Kluwer Publishers, Ad hoc reviewer, 1997.

Jossey-Bass, Inc., Publishers, Ad hoc reviewer, Management Series. 1995.


Unified Mindfulness LLC. Director of Education, 2016 to present.

California State University Northridge, College of Business and Economics. Assistant Professor, 2007 to 2013. Adjunct Faculty, 2006–7, Courses taught include MGT 454 Leadership, Power and Politics, MGT 667 Leadership, MGT 668 Mindfulness and Management of Self, MGT 458 Decision Making and Creativity, MGT 370 Developing Management Skills, MGT498 Management Internship, MGT 620 Behavior in Organizations, and BUS 302 The Gateway Experience.


University of Redlands, School of Business. Associate Professor, 1999–2006. Courses taught include Management and Organizational Behavior, Leadership in Organizations, Managing and Leading Organizations, Management Ethics in a Global Environment, Management of Self, Team and Group Dynamics, Psychology and Religion, Organization and Management Theory, Spirituality and Religion in the Workplace, Organization Theory, Managing Change, Communication and Conflict in Organizations, and Integrated Seminar: Leadership and Teams.


Antioch University Los Angeles, Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Studies. Associate Professor. 1987–1998. Courses taught include Principles of Management, Managerial Psychology, Strategic Planning, Academic Planning, Educational Foundations, Spirituality in the Workplace, Socially Responsible Business, Business and Ecology, and Interpersonal Communication in the Workplace.


California School of Professional Psychology, Ph.D. Program in Organizational Psychology. Adjunct Faculty. 1985–1987. Courses taught include Organizational Diagnosis, Organizational Behavior, and Group Development Lab.


University of Southern California, School of Business. Adjunct Lecturer. 1986–1987. Courses taught include MBA & Undergraduate. Organizational Behavior.


National University, MBA & Undergraduate. Adjunct Faculty. 1986–1987. Courses taught include Organizational Behavior, Human Resources Management, Organizational Development, Values in Human Behavior, and Social Issues in Business.


Case Western Reserve University, Weatherhead School of Management. Adjunct Instructor, Management of Self (undergraduate), 1984. Teaching Assistant and Facilitator, Master of Science in Organizational Development and Administration program, l982, l983. Teaching Assis