
of Unified Mindfulness

Take a deep dive into UM's signature technique by learning how to share it with others.

Learn a System that Adapts to the Times We Live In - instead of expecting people to adapt to the system.

Do you have a bigger vision for the impact you want to make as a mindfulness trainer?

Or maybe your feel constrained or out of options with your current suite of Mindfulness-based interventions.

Go beyond the basics, and embrace a secular, accessible, and modular mindfulness system for the modern practitioner. Support your clients (and yourself) in achieving greater levels of fulfillment, mastery, service and overall capacity by providing ways of practicing that go beyond formal practice (seated, eyes closed) that meet the modern practitioner where they are while still giving them robust ways to strengthen their attentional skills. 
We've designed a comprehensive and precise training program to show you exactly how to do just that.

UM proudly offers 15 CE credits for this training as continuing education sponsor via...

Unified Mindfulness (UM-HUB LLC) is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. Unified Mindfulness (UM-HUB LLC) maintains responsibility for this program and its content.
NBHWC Approved Continuing Education Course.

Find Unified Mindfulness at...

In my lab we study the effects of mindfulness meditation on stress and health, and we consistently turn toward using Shinzen’s Unified Mindfulness system in our studies for one simple reason, it works.
I personally have been using Unified Mindfulness techniques in my daily practice for several years, I find they are clear and powerful. This approach will change your life, try it and you will see.
Dr. David Creswell
Director of Health and Human Performance Laboratory & Associate Professor of Psychology
Carnegie Mellon University

Can You Relate?

Have you hit a wall with your current practice, desiring to go deeper (but you’ve already exhausted the techniques that are currently in your wheelhouse)? 

Have you reached a limit with what you can support your clients in achieving? Do you want to help them achieve more than stress, anxiety and pain reduction? 

Do you lack confidence when it comes to privately coaching or mentoring clients or community members in mindfulness? Have you only learned how to train groups in a Socratic method (i.e. absent of much interaction)? 

Do you want to help your clients deepen their mindfulness practice, but don’t have the breadth of techniques and practice approaches to truly support them on that path? 

Do you want to feel more confident, grounded and strong as a mindfulness trainer, trusting that you have a science-inspired framework to call upon when leading groups, guiding private clients and providing organizational mindfulness in companies?

Do you value a secular approach to mindfulness, one that makes the practice and path accessible to all (beyond the bounds of spirituality and religion)? 

Then You're in the Right Place

Foundations is

...step one on the teacher track at Unified Mindfulness training. In this initial training, you’ll receive a step-by-step plan to guide both individuals and groups in mindfulness meditation, with a focus on our signature mindfulness technique called See Hear Feel. 

Be the confident, skilled and truly accessible mindfulness coach or trainer who enacts real transformation in the lives of the people around you.

Bring a science-inspired, modular system to your clients, community, and colleagues that uniquely gives them access to MORE - more technique styles, more ways to practice, more depth, more equanimity, more fulfillment, more impact, more possibilities.

If you’re ready to go beyond the limits of your current approach or system, then join us in Foundations today!

In Foundations, Walk Away With...

A training program that will give you a step-by-step plan to guide both individuals and groups in mindfulness meditation

Greater confidence, courage and capacity to teach and guide your clients, community and colleagues on the path of mindfulness

The blueprint to support your clients with a wide range of goals, challenges and desired outcomes

Online, 100% virtual, interactive and self-paced trainings to deepen and accelerate your learning and integration process 

Designed using the latest research in learning methodologies

Based on a system of meditation that "unifies" all contemplative practices 

Live trainings with a UM Lead: Get real-time support, ask questions, and find out how to best support your clients

30-hour Certificate of Completion training program

What is Unified Mindfulness? 

A system of meditation that's easily researchable by science, with clear terminology and rigorous precision around concepts and procedures.
Developed over 50 years by Shinzen Young, U.M. is so precise and dependable, that revered institutions like Harvard Medical School, Carnegie Mellon, the University of Vermont and Vanderbilt use it as the basis for their research on meditation and its effects in the realms of neurosciences, psychology, clinical sciences and the overall well being of society.
A direct result of this research and precision is that the process of learning and teaching mindfulness has been thoroughly systemized in a way that makes it accessible to anyone interested. 
The Unified Mindfulness system is a comprehensive, robust and refined support structure that any individual at any stage of meditation practice can rely on to go deeper in their insight and their ability to share it with others.
Unified is also a secular form of meditation, which means it's not religious in any way - so anyone, of any faith, can do it.
It brings together the key elements of Eastern contemplative traditions and the technological, scientifically-based practicalities of the West. 
In short, it's the merging of the best of the East with the best of the West.

Move beyond challenges and stress-management with your clients

There comes a time when challenges and suffering are not exclusively the motivation of your mindfulness clients. Maybe the employees at the organization you’re coaching within are looking to maximize their productivity and quality innovation on projects, or your entrepreneur client wants to recharge their creativity after losing inspiration. Maybe you’re training a busy mom who needs an informal daily life practice to help her strengthen her compassion for her family (without having to find extra time that she doesn’t have).

MBSR is great to treat pain, challenges, stress-reduction and illness.

However, there are numerous people who are motivated to practice mindfulness beyond treating challenges or pain, and where the entry point of suffering is not the exclusive focal point for practice.

The good news is that with Foundations (and the UM teacher certification track), you can meet your clients wherever they are and wherever they’re desiring to go. Less suffering, more fulfillment, more self-awareness, mastery and service (and everything in-between).

A Closer Look At Foundations

Foundations is a 100% online, interactive and self-paced learning experience.

You'll learn how to guide both a group and an individual using the "See Hear Feel" technique.

It's hosted on our cloud-based learning platform, so you can access the training from a desktop, laptop, tablet, or smartphone - 24/7.
This comprehensive training is made up of 32 unique sections plus supplemental handouts you can give out to those you are teaching.

Designed using the latest research on learning methodologies, 
Foundations is a comprehensive training program designed to make the training fun, intuitive and effective for everyone.

The Complete Foundations Curriculum:

I. Teaching Mindfulness to a Group

1. Helping Students Discover Their Motivation

2. Inspiring Students Through Your Own Story

3. Setting the Stage - Illustrating How Practice Works

4. What Is & Why Unified Mindfulness

5. Making Practice Easy Through Demonstration

6. Reaching an Understanding with Your Students

7. Guiding the “See, Hear, Feel” Technique

8. Fielding Common Questions & Reports

9. Addressing Sleepiness, Boredom & Other Frequent Issues

10. Defining the Core Skills of Mindfulness

11. Helping Compulsive Thinking & Other Common Challenges

12. The Space of See, Hear, Feel, & Restful States

13. Guiding the “See, Hear, Feel” Technique with Restful States

14. Discovering the Question Hidden in a Student’s Reporting the “See, Hear, Feel” Technique with Restful States

15. Teaching Tips for Consistent Practice

II. The Ten Tasks of Teaching Mindfulnes

1. Motivate Students to Practice

2. Introduce Concepts When Students Need Them

3. Explain How to Meditate

4. Demonstrate and Have the Student Demonstrate

5. Leading a Guided Mindfulness Meditation

Part A: Leading a Group Mindfulness Meditation

Part B: Leading an Individual Guided Mindfulness Meditation

6. Fielding Common Questions & Reports

7. Ask and Answer Questions

8. Get Support When Needed

9. Quick Start

10. Deepening Practice

III. Teaching Mindfulness to Individuals

1. Motivate the Student and Draw Out Reports - Beginning student

2. Inspiring Students Through Your Own Story- Experienced student

3. Guiding a Meditation (Tour of the Senses)

4. Answering Questions and Offering Guidance

5. Demonstrate and Have Student Do the See, Hear, Feel Technique

Documents & Handouts

"Group Agenda & Lesson Plan” for a Mindfulness Workshop

"The Quickstart” Video and Guide

“Ten Tasks of Teaching Mindfulness” Guide

​“The Most Common Questions about “See, Hear, Feel” Guide

Bonus Resource #1

UM Trainer-led Workgroup Sessions

Held at least twice each month, you're invited to attend these workgroup sessions to get expert instruction on any parts of the Foundations training that you need support with.
These optional Trainer-led sessions are also great opportunity for you to connect with like-minded students working through the training.

But the best part of these workgroup sessions is that they provide a pressure-free space for you to practice teaching the See Hear Fee technique to others using UM's interactive coaching framework.  
Bonus Resource #2

Access to UM's New AI-Powered Learning Center! 

Search UM's ever-expanding, vast library of video and audio content.

Powered by AI, you can easily find specific content, access transcripts, chapters, descriptions, and key takeaways for each recording. Separate learning centers are available for the PGC Coaching calls, Shinzen's content, and Julianna's content!
There is soon to be over 1,000 Hours of content at your fingertips in the UM Learning Center!
Bonus Resource #3

3 Months FREE In UM's Private Group Coaching

As the official teacher training platform for Shinzen Young's Unified Mindfulness system, we have a unique opportunity to provide a group coaching environment where students, teachers-in-training and senior facilitators come together to help and support each other.
It's a place to learn, share and deepen your own practice...while you gain confidence teaching others, 24/7.
We host live, group coaching calls every week, as well as special training calls and periodic half-day or daylong retreats to provide instruction, guidance, and feedback in support of your practice. 
This ongoing private support group (not on Facebook!) is a critical resource for you to deepen your own practice while providing expert guidance as you learn to share this practice with others.

Help others, help yourself, and help make positive change in the world.

Foundations is our premier training program to teach you how to share the gift of mindfulness with others, by taking a deep dive into UM's signature technique, See Hear Feel, from a coach's perspective.
Here's how this works:  Ideally, we encourage you to enroll in Foundations with a study partner—a friend, co-worker, family member, etc.  You'll have an accountability partner and someone to practice what you're learning in the Foundations program. 

When you register during this "Share the Gift of Mindfulness" promotion, you can also gift  Foundations to anyone you choose so they can take the training with you (at no additional cost!)

If you prefer to take the Foundations training on your own, then you can designate the BOGO Foundations training program to someone on the UM Scholarship wait-list. 

So not only will you learn how to share Mindfulness with others, but you'll be training another coach to do the same!
Foundations of Unified Mindfulness, now just...

Choose Your Path Below...

We hope you're inspired to take this next step with us in your mindfulness journey.
And by empowering you with clear instructions and complete confidence to introduce this practice to others, we also have an opportunity to serve others exponentially through you, as you share the gift of mindfulness with the people in your life and in your community.
So we're ready to collaborate with you and make the next 30 days a truly transformational period in your life, as you deepen your practice and gain the skills to share this practice with others.
30-hour Self-Paced Training Course

The full Foundations training program and student portal that takes you step-by-step through guiding both groups and individuals in the See Hear Fee technique

  • Twice a month UM Trainer-led Workgroup Sessions
  • 3 Months in UM's Private Support Group 
  • ​3 Months access to UM's New AI-Powered Learning Center! ​
  • ​30-Hour Certification of Completion
  • ​Downloadable handouts for you to print and hand out to your students.
  • Ten "Deepen Your Practice Packs"
  • ​30-Hour Certification of Completion
  • ​Community Hub: Receive 24/7 private group coaching support and connection with over 200 UM coaches as well as fellow practitioners from all around the world
  • 15 CE's Available at no additional cost!
And Our No-Questions Asked 30-Day Guarantee!
Now Checkout with PayPal Now Avaialable!
  • Unified Mindfulness Coach Certification "Fast-Track"
Foundations + Pathways
Includes $397 Discount!  $2,497 + $397

Your Fast-Track to UM Certification.  Complete Foundation first, then the Pathways 12-week, live instruction training to earn the designation "UM Coach"

The Foundations training program including:
  • Twice a month UM Trainer-led Workgroup Sessions
  • 3 Months in UM's Private Support Group 
  • ​3 Months access to UM's New AI-Powered Learning Center! ​
  • ​30-Hour Certification of Completion
  • ​Downloadable handouts for you to print and hand out to your students.
  • Ten "Deepen Your Practice Packs"
  • ​30-Hour Certification of Completion
  • ​Community Hub: Receive 24/7 private group coaching support and connection with over 200 UM coaches as well as fellow practitioners from all around the world
  • 15 CE's Available at no additional cost!
Pathways (P24) Starts  January 2025!
Then the Pathways training program including:
  • Pathways is a highly experiential training, designed to support your development as a coach and your mastery of the Unified Mindfulness system in many different way
  • ​During your first 12 weeks of Pathways, you'll be working directly with UM Trainer/Teachers and Lead Coaches, and your fellow students in live online, virtual classrooms for classes and instructions.
  • Followed by an 8-week practicum, in which you work directly with UM Lead Coaches to learn to coach individuals and groups in a uniquely empowering approach to mindfulness that can meet their specific needs. 
  • In Pathways you'll learn to coach groups while also developing your ability to work one-on-one. The framework for doing this is a unique feature of the UM system
  • Free access to the monthly Home Practice Program by Shinzen for 3 months
  • ​An Additional 9 months UM's Private Support Group (1 Year FREE)
  • ​Personal Branding on
  • ​As Pathways graduate, you'll receive a Certificate of Completion and earn the designation of "Unified Mindfulness Coach."
PLUS, a $397 Discount (Foundations included at no cost)
And Our No-Questions Asked 30-Day Guarantee!
Now Checkout with PayPal Now Avaialable!
The Certification Track

Unified Mindfulness Teacher Training Program.

Here’s the trajectory of training programs that lead to  UM Trainer/Teacher certification, and where Foundations fits in this process.


Learn how to practice, teach and guide people in the Unified Mindfulness signature technique, See Hear Feel. 



A 12-week live group training program followed by an 8 week practicum. By the end of Pathways, you’ll be equipped to deliver the 8 week practicum in a one-on-one or group setting.



A year-long program for graduates of Pathways, the Compass Training is distinguished by its unusual degree of personal supervision and support, as well as by an emphasis on professional mastery. 
Our Services


Psychotherapists, Addiction Counselors, Social Workers and other Mental Health Professionals

Give your clients a powerful mindfulness practice for emotional regulation, stress reduction, behavior change and other scientifically proven health benefits

Life Coaches, Mentors and Group Trainers

Offer this essential mindset tool to further develop, empower and support your clients in their personal and professional growth

Yoga Instructors

Weave mindfulness into your instructions or offer it at the end of class to enhance and deepen your students' practice

Teachers, Professors and Other Education Professionals

Give students the life changing practice of mindfulness to enhance focus, heighten creativity, improve interactions and reduce anxiety

Managers and Team Leaders

Empower your team with mindfulness for increased engagement, focus, productivity, emotional intelligence and morale

Performance Coaches and Athletic Trainers 

There's a reason top sports teams such as the Seattle Seahawks and the New York Knicks use mindfulness training for their athletes - it works.

Mindfulness Enthusiasts:

Want to take your practice to the next level. Then you’ll love Foundations. If you’re ready to take your personal passion for mindfulness into impactful stewardship as a trainer, teacher or coach, this is for you!


Have we sparked any ideas for you about people you could introduce mindfulness to? Maybe a group you belong to like a hiking club or a professionals group open to personal development?

Our Guarantee

It goes without saying that we fully stand behind the Foundations training to honor Shinzen's work in developing the Unified Mindfulness system.
We also acknowledge and honor your commitment to "do the work" necessary to help share the gift of mindfulness with others.  
So to make this completely risk-free, you have 30 days to complete the this training program and if you don't feel the this training is worth the investment... 
then just let us know and you will receive a...
100%, No-Questions-Asked Refund. 
So see for yourself what this training can do for you, 100% risk free. 
Let's get started!
This training is one of the best online education experiences I’ve ever seen. It is both rigorous and fun, profound and practical as well as accessible and clear. You would be hard pressed to find something better!
See, Hear, Feel is one of the most useful, powerful, and flexible mindfulness methods I know.  
I teach this method to my executive students who then apply it to their business meetings, commutes and other ins-and-outs of their daily lives.  

What they find is they have greater calm, clarity and objectivity to take effective leadership action in chaotic situations.
They are also better able to make more moments productive and worthwhile, when before these moments would have simply been wasted time and energy. 
What thrills me the most is that they discover a previously unappreciated richness, enjoyment and satisfaction that had eluded them. They rediscover and connect to what makes their life meaningful.
Jeremy Hunter, PhD
Associate Professor Practice Founding Director Peter F. Drucker Graduate School of Management Executive Mind Leadership Institute Claremont Graduate University
Intense and mind opening!

I said intense because the course makes you exercise awareness by observing and pointing out the structure of teaching Unified Mindfulness.

Understanding the structure and realizing what is "right" or "wrong" in your teaching meditation made me open a whole new view of teaching and practicing Mindfulness and meditation.

Gilberto B.

Excellent Course!

The course is well sequenced and paced. The content delivered through videos and practice quizzes, as well as journaling exercises really helped me deepen my understanding of this information. 

Julianna is an gifted and skillful teacher. 

This has been one of my favorite online learning experiences!

Eliko O.

This course provides a really thorough grounding in the Unified Mindfulness system for both meditators and those wishing to teach. 

The syllabus and structure is very good and progressive. You do actually have to put the time in and work which is good. The support outside of the direct course through the Facebook group etc is superb. I highly recommend this course.

Carwyn S.

Excellent Curriculum!

The Foundations program has helped me deepen my practice and has also helped me with instructing mindfulness during my yoga classes. Shinzen's approach to mindfulness meets the needs of just about everyone who wants to learn a little bit or a lot about mindfulness."

Gia M.

A well-rounded introduction to teaching meditation.

Full of good advice and a healthy variety of scenarios and types of students, this course lays a solid *foundation* for any beginning teacher.

Cory W.

What a great course!

I felt the course was helpful and and the content was interesting and organized. 
Thank you.
5 Stars⭐️!

Kathy D.

First of all I want to thank you for this great course. 

I found it very clear and well structured. I can see how much work and effort there must have been involved to set up this training. 

Thank you. It helped me a lot in gaining more clarity about the method and by such being able to integrate it my psychotherapeutic practice. 

I am looking forward to the next level of teacher training. Best wishes from Germany!

Natalie K.

Great intro to teaching UM to others

thank you for the thoughtfulness put into this online learning program. It was the right amount of info without being overwhelmed.Truly enjoyed self pace aspect, videos mixed with quizzes, mixed with journaling answers is a great way to engage adult pedagogy. 

I really enjoyed it and am eager to start helping my friends and family (or strangers, whomever), learn how to do this and have the confidence that I have a good place to start.

Samantha D.

Concepts When Students Need Them

I’m overall enjoying this course particularly how Julianna analyses her teaching. As a filmmaker I have worked on several wildlife documentary series, where the expert points out fine points of animal behaviours. “Watch closely as the mother Canada Goose demonstrates how her babes need to flap their wings and almost run across the top of the water to gain flight. Sometimes a little push with her beak is all that is needed for a first flight to ensue.” 

Julianna is always keenly offering observations around student behaviours and suggestions that will often work at only the right moment. She is a very good teacher and although her expertise after years of teaching oozes out of her pores it is the excitement and joy of a teachable moment that has spoken most to me. She is so often fresh and in the moment, traits that are a pleasure for me to model in my own coaching practice.

Bryon P.

Foundations was such an amazing course...

which helped me to further develop my skills as someone who introduces mindfulness to others. I found the See, Hear, Feel practice to be a clear way to learn and teach mindfulness. This is the first time I have been taught so thoroughly to both learn the practice of choiceless awareness and teach it to others. 

I can't express enough how this has changed my practice and provided such a great framework for choiceless awareness. The Ten Tasks helps to understand and gain further awareness on how to teach others the skill of mindfulness. 

I found the three skills of mindfulness as defined by the UM System Concentration Power, Sensory Clarity and Equanimity to be so clear and a wonderful way to teach others. Thanks Unified Mindfulness for such a rich learning experience.

Tyler V.

Thorough and Practical

I have tried online courses before and have rarely completed them. I finished this one. In terms of helping somebody to learn how to teach this technique, this course is excellent. 

In a systematic way, the course moves step-by-step through the process of leading a group, instructing and giving a detailed handout on teaching a full See, Hear, Feel session, tips for how to answer common questions, tips for how to make the course the most engaging for students by using their own experiences to introduce concepts and such. 

The course then leads us through how to instruct a student in a one-on-one setting giving a map for that session as well as how to make the most of it for the student. 

Andy A.

Well designed, thoroughly structured and well executed...

This wonderful course covers mindfulness and meditation thoroughly and engagingly. The lessons cover material in right-sized increments. It's thorough without delivering too-large chunks at a time. 

The combination of being able to observe Julianna's in-class instruction with her comments and observations on the class experience provide a great balance in perspective while adding variety in pacing for the learner. Julianna is so obviously empathetic and caring that she's a first-rate role model for would-be instructors. Really an excellent course all around.

Nicholas R.

I have been a student of Shinzen Young since 1986 and considered myself rather well grounded in the techniques and quite able to talk about them.
However, after taking the Unified Mindfulness Foundations Training Course I was able to explain the concepts and the techniques immensely better. Three of the hardest things to achieve in online training are simplicity, clarity and brevity. The Unified Mindfulness Foundations Training Course achieves all three.
Rob R.
The content of this training changed my life, from performing more effectively at work to experiencing the world more fully…through love, relationships, and outlook toward life. I feel lucky to have this quality of training delivered to me wherever and whenever I want.
The support group helps me to build on the foundations training, making it easy to continue to learn and grow through daily 10-minute guided meditations, answers to my questions from knowledgeable teachers, and ongoing conversations.
Mitzi L.
I had quite an interesting experience over the weekend at the march in Washington. As background, I do not like crowds and at under 5" I can get quite claustrophobic. I knew going in that this could be a challenge, so I decided to use it as an opportunity to practice.
At one point my little group got completely stopped, unable to move in any direction at all. There was no body space between us. As they say, we were packed in "like sardines." 
People were talking about the real risk of trampling and there was nothing we could do. There were people in the trees lining Independence Ave and they could see no way out because the streets were still barricaded from the inauguration. We were there, stuck, for nearly two hours until work crews could open up routes to the Mall.
At one point a woman beside me became quite anxious and I asked her if she would allow me to help. She agreed. I decided to choose "see" since that seemed most available. We started up close, and I asked "what do you see?" Together we focused on jewelry, as specific colors (pink!), signs, buildings, trees. She calmed down and that brought everybody's anxiety down too.
I also shared the technique of imagining a smile (Thich That Han calls this "smile yoga) with my girlfriends, and it truly brought us peace so that we could focus on the love, unity, and incredibly powerful experience we were part of. 
I doubt I would have had the courage to offer assistance had I not been engaged with this course, even though I've been meditating for a while. It was the See-Hear-Feel technique that gave me the tools I needed. Thank you!!
Sarah A.
I have recently gone through the entire Unified Mindfulness Foundations course for teaching See-Hear-Feel and can say without hesitation that it is excellent. I really like the content, pedagogy, layout, production and love Julianna as a teacher.
If you are interested in learning to teach See-Hear-Feel in a "note everything" style, if you want to deepen your understanding and practice in this area, or if you are a current facilitator who wants to review and fine tune how you can teach this, I highly recommend this Foundations course. 
I'm most grateful Julianna decided to take the facilitator training on and kudos to the entire consulting and production team - I'm very impressed."
Har-Prakash Khalsa
Kundalini yoga teacher and senior trainer of Unified Mindfulness

Here's What To Do Next...

Simpy register for Foundations and let's get started.
You'll create your username and password for the Foundations program as you register, so you'll be able to access the training as soon as your registration is complete!
In just a few seconds you'll be starting your new journey deeper into Unified Mindfulness.
We'll also follow up with step-by-step instructions on exactly what to do to get started with the Foundations program, as well as with the Unified Mindfulness Private Support Group.
So let's get started!
In gratitude,
Unified Mindfulness

Frequently Asked Questions

I want to take a moment to share joy and gratitude...
Since completing the UM Foundations training, I have: 
1) Established and am co-leading a monthly secular silent retreat in collaboration with a local sangha leader
2) Led two UM workshops based on Foundations training
3) Had two Muslim students attend workshops, one of whom was the first to come up to me afterwards and say, “When can I do this again?”
4) Led my first mindfulness workshop at Kansas City Kansas Community College (photo below). Everyone had the choice of a chair or sitting/lying down on a mat during guided meditations; impressively, only one student fell asleep.
5) Collaborated with a naturopathic physician on faculty at the community college to co-leading a workshop called “Mindful Nutrition for the Busy College Student” next month.
6) Been invited to present to patients at the multiple sclerosis support center at the University of Kansas Medical Center in next month.
I feel so grateful to be sharing mindfulness with so many amazing people. 
The overwhelmingly positive response I’ve experienced across such diverse groups is a true testament to the accessibility and power of the UM approach. 
Also, I just want to say that these experiences are a direct result of my embarking on the UM Foundations training and being part of this support group. I'm so grateful to everyone who has shared ideas, insights, advice, and their own personal experiences. 
Thank you all for being part of my journey.
Nicoya H.
© 2022 Unified Mindfulness | All Rights Reserved
Learn to communicate a subtle and often confusing practice in a way that can be easily understood, increasing the likelihood of success for your clients or group.
The UM system provides a powerful framework you can depend on, giving you confidence in what you're communicating and the support that you're providing.
Understand your own mindfulness practice from a new perspective as a result of seeing it through the eyes of a teacher. Discovering how to better relate to students will take your own practice deeper.
The UM approach empowers you as a teacher. Once you understand it, you can offer a wide variety of techniques and speak to the individual needs of anyone you choose to guide.
The "Foundations of Unified Mindfulness" Training.........$697
PLUS Time-Sensitive Bonuses!
Unified Mindfulness Private Support Group.......$444
*12 Months @ $37 per month - FREE!
Ten "Deepen Your Practice" Packs............$200
*10 @ $20 Each 
Private Group Training With Shinzen.....Priceless
Total Value of Over.......$1,141
Just $697